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Diabetes Qualified

Using Supportive Language

What you say matters

When talking to a person with diabetes it is important to consider the words you use. Using supportive language can make a difference to the person’s ability to self manage their diabetes. Communication needs to be accurate, respectful, inclusive and free from judgement. If you are a  carer, loved one or health professional who supports a person living with diabetes  – this module is suitable for you.

This free 10 minute eLearning module will cover:

  • Supportive language
  • Constructive communication
  • Tips to communicate effectively
  • Diabetes related stigma

Diabetes Qualified uses language that supports and empowers people with diabetes in all of our education and resources. We acknowledge and support the work that Diabetes Australia does to improve communications with and about people with diabetes. You can read their position statement here.

To learn more about supporting people living with diabetes enrol in one of our online CPD diabetes courses for health professionals here

If you are a health care worker we have a range of courses here

Refer people living with diabetes to their state and territory organisation for further support:

Diabetes NSW & ACT

Diabetes Queensland

Diabetes Victoria

Diabetes Tasmania

Diabetes WA

Diabetes SA

Diabetes NT