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Diabetes eLearning for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Workers

Diabetes eLearning for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Workers

Are you an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander health worker looking for a culturally appropriate, interactive eLearning program to develop your diabetes knowledge? Then look no further. The National Diabetes Services Scheme (NDSS) has launched a package of interactive eLearning modules. These have been developed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers and practitioners who work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples living with diabetes.

Diabetes Australia Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Engagement Manager Deanne Minniecon said the modules include interactive activities and stories. Taking the user on an engaging journey as they learn more about diabetes-related health complications. As well as management strategies to support people to live well with diabetes.

We are so pleased to be able to provide this important free resource which offers culturally appropriate learning for all health professionals working with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

The modules are engaging and accessible in bite size pieces. They are culturally appropriate and address all of the issues associated with managing diabetes. And this goes beyond the traditional scope. Module topics include technology, medications, self-management strategies, diabetes in schools, the impact of colonisation and social and emotional health and wellbeing.

Ms Minniecon

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health: diabetes eLearning modules

The modules were developed in consultation with expert groups. These include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clinicians, medical and research doctors, university academics specialising in diabetes as well as leaders in education. The South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) also contributed to the review process.

The diabetes eLearning package includes nine modules and covers the following topics:

Module 1: IntroductionHealth before time and the impact of colonisation, diabetes prevalence, and the benefits of signing up to the NDSS.
Module 2: About diabetesType 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes; risk factors, symptoms, screening and diagnosis.
Module 3: Healthy livingHealthy eating guidelines, practical food choices, physical activity, smoking and alcohol, and driving.
Module 4: Glucose monitoringTypes of monitoring, benefits, technique and targets
Module 5: Low and high blood glucose levelsSymptoms of low glucose and high glucose levels, treatment and sick day management.
Module 6: Medicines and insulinTypes of glucose lowering medications, taking medications, insulin, insulin storage and medicine discussions.
Module 7: Diabetes-related complicationsThe cause and range of diabetes-related complications, and how to reduce the risks.
Module 8: Supporting self-managementThe aims and approaches to self-management, emotional wellbeing, and the diabetes team members who can assist.
Module 9: Priority groupsConsiderations for young people, the woman planning pregnancy, the woman with gestational diabetes, the cognitively impaired or physically impaired person, and the elderly person with diabetes.

Benefits of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Diabetes eLearning modules

The modules use storytelling, person-centered stories and interactive activities, as well as engaging graphics to deliver diabetes information. This means that you will develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to more effectively support the people you see living with diabetes. Furthermore, the modules have been designed so they:

  • Take approximately 10 hours to complete (but there is no time-restrictions for completion).
  • Are self-directed and can be completed at anytime that suits the learner.
  • Are free and available at no cost.
  • Will earn the learner a Certificate of Completion for 10 CPD points once all nine modules are completed.

We are very proud of this resource and pleased to be able to offer it to anyone working in the health sector who supports First Nations people with managing their diabetes. The materials offer a really comprehensive, user-friendly dive into the impact of diabetes on our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and how best to support people living with the condition.

Ms Minniecon