COVID-19 Planning for People With Diabetes
It’s no secret the COVID-19 pandemic has changed life as we know it. As a result, people with diabetes may be concerned about their risk, and availability of insulin and other essential medicines. COVID-19 planning for people with diabetes is important, and the COVID-19 pandemic threat is being addressed by all Australian Governments and health services. However there are things you can do help support people with diabetes prepare, such as understanding Medicare benefits, telehealth services and updating sick day management plans.
It is important to note the Department of Health has advised that there are no current shortages or supply issues with insulin, diabetes medicines or NDSS products which means that people with diabetes should continue to order and obtain diabetes medicines and supplies as usual. There is no need to stockpile.
The Australian Government plan to fight the COVID-19 threat includes:
- bulk-billed telehealth medical services
- home medicine deliveries
- support for additional aged-care staff
- increase service capacity for First Nations People in remote locations
Pharmacies with e-prescribing will be eligible to participate in the home medicines services.
New Medicare telehealth services will start on Friday 13 March. GPs and specialists, nurses and mental health allied health workers will provide Telehealth consultations.
Telehealth consultations will be available under Medicare for:
- people aged over 70
- those with chronic conditions (including diabetes)
- First Nations People aged over 50
- immuno-compromised people
- pregnant women
- parents with new babies
Please visit the Australian Government’s Coronavirus Information page for more information. This page is updated regularly.
Not to mention our usual advice at the beginning of the cold and flu season, meaning it’s a good time for people to review and update their sick day management plans. These can be found at:
If you have questions about COVID-19 please take advantage of the Australian Government’s Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. The helpline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.